Rate My Site!


New Member
Here goes... rate my site! =] http://www.hayliisdesign.com

It's a design site for Myspace profiles; tutorials, codes, etc..I do customs as well. =] I started it mainly as a hobby because I really enjoy making layouts for Myspace and other things. My family/friends and friends of friends were always asking me to design layouts for them so I figured it was the way to go!

Thanks so much!

Love, Haylii


New Member
I remember viewing your site once before, though I think you had a different layout back then. I have to say that there are a few things that I don't really care for, the first being the 'enter' page, as I don't really think you need it! The second thing would be the scroll in the middle of the page. Once you get stuck in a scroll it's hard to get out of it, I just get a little confused especially on my ridiculously small laptop! I also had a hard time finding the pause button for the music, I had the volume up pretty high and nearly fell of my chair and died. I should probably sweep away that broken glass :)

I like the design though. It's very girly so it suits you quite well! Didn't those stripes used to be smaller? Or am I imagining things?


New Member
Correct! I did have another layout before. I like this new one MUCH better. Took me soo long to make up my mind about what I wanted.

The enter page is used because I wanted to post my nabbr music ads on my site, but the widgets are just so big that it didn't work with any layouts I created and look nice and organized. It always looked out of place. So I came up with that idea of an enter page. Solved the issue nicely - I think. So in a way, I guess I do need it. lol

Um, if you are referring to my old layouts, I have used other bg with smaller stripes. Gosh, I've gone through SO many bg with all the layout changes. I like stripes, lol. =]

Funny you should mention the music being so loud, I originally posted a "caution - music player, turn your speakers down" but somehow I must have edited some text and it got erased. lol How ironic, right?? =p

Thanks so much for your thoughts on the site!


New Member
I have to say considering you've learned all those skills using those other applications it's one heck of a way to zoom your way forward in the field of web design.

I don't care much for the scroll inside the page. But, MySpacer's etc.. are used to that kinda thing. Heck, they are also used to having to scroll left and right too.. hehehe

As for website for business and services those are different game. What direction are you interesting in going into? Coding, Flash, Databases, Streaming, Graphics etc..

I think you have mad skills myself and they will only get better ;)

Cool to see another Texan here!


New Member
Thanks for all the kind words!
I'm glad you like my designs!
&& I suppose since both you guys aren't digging the scroll, I'll get rid of it. :)

Texas Rocks! lol