Quick way to Update Fields on Web Page


New Member

Just a quick question really....hopefully with a simply answer

I am designing a web page that will have various statistics on it (its a sports team page) that will need to be changed once a week. I was wondering if anyone could think of a way that this could be done quickly instead of manually editing the html. I know that you can Import External Data from a web page to say a program like Microsoft Excel but is it possible that it can be done the other way?!!?

Again, just want a way of updating the stats quickly and easily (they are currenlty kept offline on a normal spreadsheet so thats why I am think about the Excel connection....

Any ideas... scripts....programs...



New Member
if your server supports php, you can have them enter the stats in a form, then have the stats overwrite what is in there. You would just need to find a script for a flat file form, and mod it a little for your needs, and maybe find a password protection system for the update page.