Q&A About PHP And FUNCTION.PHP Modification Interest....


New Member
I had downloaded the HTML5-Blank-WordPress-Theme, the starter theme from Todd Motto. And within that theme there are many references with the PHP Call Backs and within the FUNCTION.PHP.

[COLOR="Red"]<?php html5blank_nav(); ?>[/COLOR]

, and an array of other Call Back Codes.

My interest is to remove all references to html5blank throughout this theme.

So with that being said, let me show a few more examples:

And let me say, this example is driving me crazy, as follows --->

[COLOR="Red"]<?php html5wp_excerpt('html5wp_index'); // Build your custom callback length in functions.php ?>[/COLOR]

So here is the first Q&A to help solve this issue.

I see the html5wp_excerpt('html5wp_index'), both the ' html5wp_excerpt ' and ('html5wp_index') refer to html5, in much respect although missing the blank within at the end of the text.
So, this is what I would like to remove and replace with my domain abbreviation ' mySite '.

Okay, so now I go to the FUNCTIONS.PHP and see the following --->

// Custom Excerpts
[COLOR="Red"]function html5wp_index($length) // Create 20 Word Callback for Index page Excerpts, call using html5wp_excerpt('html5wp_index');
    return 20;

// Create 40 Word Callback for Custom Post Excerpts, call using [COLOR="Red"]html5wp_excerpt('html5wp_custom_post');
function html5wp_custom_post($length)
    return 40;

// Create the Custom Excerpts callback
[COLOR="Red"]function html5wp_excerpt($length_callback = '', $more_callback = '')
    global $post;
    if (function_exists($length_callback)) {
        add_filter('excerpt_length', $length_callback);
    if (function_exists($more_callback)) {
        add_filter('excerpt_more', $more_callback);
    $output = get_the_excerpt();
    $output = apply_filters('wptexturize', $output);
    $output = apply_filters('convert_chars', $output);
    $output = '<p>' . $output . '</p>';
    echo $output;

So, with this being said what can I do to change this, all the above to achieve my goal?

I hope I am not confusing anyone.

Thank you....
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