Putting Music on Website.


New Member
i have a freewebspace.com site and i want to put a music file on tht is is wav form. can anyone help me and tell me how i would put it on. how do i get the code for it? thanks xx


New Member
Putting WAV files on web

<embed src='/sounds/my.wav' autostart=true width='100' height='60' LOOP=1>

Personally, I don't like music on a Web Site, unless it really adds something. My opinion (And some clients just don't understand) is that if someone wants to listen to music, they can turn on their CD player :)

Michael C. Gates
Email Large Files with GatesHosting.com


New Member
Completely agree 100% with above post, I find it really annoying when a website has crap music and I'm trying to listen to my own music.