Project missing - Structure and colors


New Member

I should start by saying that design really isn't my professional area, at all. I'm good at coding, and only coding, haha.. Though, I've designed this piece of something and I'd like to know what you think of it. All the texts are just examples, so don't worry about them.

The image in the left column is my girlfriend and it's okay with her that I use her as an example, so no worries there. That column is the "Latest notification of a missing person" or something.

Any ideas on how I could advance the design? Make it better? What more is there to add to the header? It looks so empty. And what about the structure? Does it look good? And also, the colors, do they look good together?

Thanks in advance,

(By the way, sorry for the "Adolf" and "Hitler" in the menu. I'm not into politics at all, nor am I a nazi or anything like that. It's just that when I get bored and can't figure out anything more to write, I tend to write random names that I think is fun.)

Here is an image of the design, since I've not started to code it yet:


I'd make the navigation a bit bigger. If I was looking through that site I'd miss the navigation the first time.

Your logo is pretty unreadable to me, it's too slim and the shadow behind it is too harsh. Also it should be moved to the right to line up with the left column.

The light gradient in the header is peculiar, looks like waterlogged paper or something, not necessarily bad but not necessarily good either to me.

The text in your left column should line up vertically with the image as well, if all of the images are going to be the same size that is.

Those fixes would help the design out a bit. Other than that I wouldn't say it's a really bad design but it's nothing that jumps out at me as well designed either.


New Member
the navigation at the top would be better centered and a bit bigger also use a colour that would stand out lil bit more, maybe something like white (#FFFFFF)

Nathan Joshua

New Member
I should start by saying that design really isn't my professional area, at all.
It takes a long time to get a good sense of design, you will see your websites become better with each one you create.

As for the design it feels a bit flat, and the wavy background plays with my eyes.

I like the layout and colours.

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Refresh the page.