problems with website size


New Member
Hi everybody,

As always, first of all thanks a lot for the other times you have helped me. :)

I am building a site for my band:

The thing is that I have built the initial animation on my 22 inches monitor, set up with a huge resolution. Now when I try it on a smaller monitor the site looks huge and the user has to scroll up and down to see it.

My question are, for which resolution should I rebuild the site? Is there a way of addapting the animation at the beggining of the site to every screen resolution (autofit)?

Many, many, many thanks in advance.




Super Moderator
Staff member
As a rule of thumb I build my sites with a width 960px. Why?

  1. The most widely used screen resolution today is 1024x768. 960 is the optimal width for a 1024 resolution, including when scrollbars are present.
  2. In addition, 960 is easily divisible, and therefore very helpful if you choose to a create a multiple column layout

Is there a way of adapting the animation at the beginning of the site to every screen resolution (autofit)?

Yes. You are talking about a "Liquid Layout".

However, I would refrain from scaling any animation, gear it to one size. This will retain the quality/clarity of the content. A similar point can be made about the website in general. Though text will not blurr/pixelate, paragraphs may become one line, links may move out of place, could pose a nightmare for floated items, and the list goes on and on...I prefer to lock the website width, and then center it. This way the site looks the same no matter the dimensions of the browser window. Hence keeping a nice professional appearance.