Possible problem


New Member
I have read that reciprocal links are bad for SEO. But if I have a website portfolio, and links to my clients' websites there, is it bad for my SEO? Is it better to remove those links?


New Member
It probably will not cause any problems for you because although you are linking to each other, but have not taken part in reciprocal linking plans. The real problem will arise when you exchange links with a lot of sites and have added some links sections to your site. For example, on websites which involve in using reciprocal links, when you look at their footer areas, you will find words like link partners or exchange link with us and when you take a look at the pages, you will find hundreds of web listings.

You are doing what is already done by a lot of companies which have testimonials pages on their sites and some of their customers too might be linking to them. Do not worry about the issue because you are simply talking about some of your customers on your site and have not taken part in any two-way linking patterns. Reciprocal links have actually lost values compared to a few years ago but sometimes finding a few good link partners, the ones like older domains can be still nice.