Please review


New Member

Off the top of my head, a few things come to mind:

1. The site is hot. We get it. But maybe you should tame down the flames a bit.
2. Add a little padding at the top (around 15-20 px maybe?) as the page seems scrunched at the top.
3. change the titles of your pages so instead of saying "home" they say something like "The Hottest in Tampa Bay!"

Good luck!


New Member
First off, it takes a tad too long to load. Folks don't hang around if a website takes longer than about 8 seconds to download.
There is a lot of graphics and a lot going on but some simple folks like myself might suffer from a severe case of information overload.:)
There is no doubt in my mind about the hot-ness of the website , seems like my monitor might bust into a blazing inferno at any time. Is that an iWEB template?


New Member
A lot of graphics that's why it takes a few minutes to load to your site. Should more focus on content and minimize some images.


New Member

change the background or tile it smaller.. its eating up the whole loading time.. that could end ur site goin unseen.



New Member
thanks ya'll

I am going to utilize your comments to talk my client into allowing me to re-design the site completely - From load time to obscure navigation the site is certainly in bad shape-


New Member
also, page doesn't fit laterally in firefox - no one wants to have to scroll laterally as well as vertically. agreed that it is a bit too busy. maybe consider placing the archived issues in a single column on the left or right. and come up with a simplified color/graphical scheme for the article bubbles.