Please review


New Member
looks pretty cool right away. maybe making the layout larger rather than having it condensed to what seems like 60% of the page would be nicer. that way it would open up a whole lot of room. noticed that your actually using an animated gif file. thats sort of old school, but if you like it keep it.

overall looks pretty good!


New Member
Not a bad site - my only concern is that it doesn't guide your audience towards anything specific and new users may be overwhelmed with your site and end up elsewhere. I could be wrong though.

P.S. Just wondering why you titled your animated gif with the title, "os commerce" ?


New Member
its good!

also try how it look if u can remove the link broder, something in the center part of the page that rectangle (blue line) line that covers 30 Links of each "HTML / Web Design / Blogging". I have no idea about the code.. but still, i feel it looks strange as i first noticed the line than the links there!

Also dont mind if i said anything wrong! again, i have no idea about codes.. just came to try it out!