Please review new site Digg Style Social Shopping website


New Member
Please help me with your opinions on the design, layout and basic format of out new website
This site allows users to post deals including affilaite links of hot deals they find on the web...

Please let me know if the format would be understood by the users, and if the button locations will generate click throughs and mulitple page views

We are currently after 1 month ranked around 100,000 with 100-300 users per day.

Yesterday we started an active google adwords program and look to increase our traffic by having our Hot Deal Voting button implements on retailer website, You can see the button on the about us page

Your opinion counts thanks


New Member
Completely Agree....

The site is a bit confusing. The second link you posted leads to a blank page.

I agree with this. The layout is too confusing, the navigation is at the top, the right and then can sort. The most important navigation should stand out above the rest!

The layout on the right side is too cluttered, it is way too much information for the website. Try to keep it clean, clear and simple as to not confuse. I would almost say that you might have people interested in the website but leaving as they don't know what is going on.

Check out our: Web Design

As you can see, people know where to go, what to click, etc.

Make re-look at ebay and amazon. You have done a very similar style to amazon but they put the information up and down the page that you have fit onto the right of the page.

Instantly I would remove the 'Review it' section on the right, as the 'products of the week' already have 'review it' buttons on them, which means the other is just taking up space.

Just use google analytics to see what is being clicked on and remove what is not.