Please Review My Import/Export Site


New Member
The only difference I can see is the declaration being in different types of text boxes, is that what you are asking about?


New Member
Umm... Both links took me to a page designed circa 1992...

Exactly what I was thinking!
I reckon for starters, find a site with a suitable design and try to emulate it,
and learn how to use some Css. The background has to go!


New Member
Well... It's obvious you have never done this before and are just getting into this industry. You really need to learn CSS along with HTML. Good luck.


New Member
I'm sorry but it doesn't look as a website. It's like a regular document. I didn't see any difference in design.
You should either hire a professional or find a web template and turn it into your website instead of creating the web site from the scratch. At least you'll have professional design