Please review and leave your comments about my new site


New Member I would like to hear from anyone and fellow designers of what you think. Please take a little time and please look at my website and some feed back would really be appriciated. I would like to hear all your comments and any suggestions on any thing or any thing that seems wrong. I appreciate all your conribution. Thank you


New Member
Hey there lumberlee, My first post here too.
Site looks good, but can I make a couple of suggestions.
1. I don't think the movie cover up the top fits in with the design. It is too tall and makes the header too large. If you get rid of that, the visitors will see more videos when they arrive if you got rid of it.
2. On smaller screens it doesnt really fit, and you should think of people with smaller screens. I think its just under 10% have 600x800(that figure might be outdated though)

Looks good though. Nice layout and colour scheme, and not too busy


Staff member
I agree, i think the movie image in the header is too big.
I would also change your title tag to include more descriptive keywords of what your site is about, eg movie sales