Please, I need help with something simple


New Member

Could someone be so kind as to point out why the <wrap-white> div on is displaying all the way at the top, even though it is placed after the navbar?
I have tried playing around with position: relative, but no luck :-/

I would really appreciate some help with this. Thank you.

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Probably inappropriate and uneccessary use of absolute positioning

But as there is no "wrap-white" element in the source code it is somewhat difficult to be precise.


Super Moderator
Staff member
<wrap-white> does not exist!
although nice work trying to make up your own elements.

<sarcasm> and <rant> are two I always am wanting to add, but alas they'll just render as TEXT, which I suspect is what you've noticed. although without a link its pretty much impossible to see...


You need to do (in your HTML) <div id="white-wrap">blahblahablah </div> and in your css #white-wrap { blahablahablh }