please comment on my graphics


New Member

I’ve created some graphics for my website. I’ve mixed them in with a mock-design of the sites layout to give you more of a visual idea of how they will look on it.

Please give me your professional opinion on how they look. Any positive or negative feedback is welcome. Please see if the overall design suits the layout, the models in the graphics suit the graphic, the colours match, and the text is readable etc.

Here are the links;




New Member
Hey dementedde, I'm Andy. I'm not a professional (yet) but I thought I'd give you my opinion...

I think that in general they fit the look of the site as far as color is concerned and individually taken out of the mock-up's context, they can stand on there own.

There's something that I noticed across all three designs and it's that the content within the graphics seem a little warped. For example, the third link looks like both of the models images were stretched and the width was increased, maybe to make them take up more negative space? Maybe it's just my eyes playing tricks on me (that's very possible!)

Also, on the same graphic just mentioned, there seems to be a problem with the execution and detailing of the graphic. If you look on the bottom left of the graphic it looks like the vignette wasn't applied properly. Here is an example of what I mean:
(the vignette is indicated by the red arrow)
Also, there is a spot circled in blue. What happened there is that the background matches the copy's luminosity a little more than the rest of the background because of the sparks and in some situations that might make the copy a little illegible. In this situation it isn't severe but in others it definitely might require some dodging/burning. The second image shows both fixed (just to give a visual example of what I'm talking about)

I hope you didn't mind that I used your images to give you a very clear example, if you did I sincerely apologize, Just trying to be helpful and give an honest opinion

Thanks for posting! -Andy


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