Please advice me from where to buy flash templates


Hi everyone,

I have been told that using flash in my website will increase its functionality and usage. And I am thinking of giving it a try. Can anyone tell me about a good source from where I can buy flash templates?




New Member
I really wouldn't recommend fully Flash templates. I would jsut build the site in XHTML and CSS then ONLY using the Flash where it is needed. You can use AJAX to bring the functionality to your site. It will improve your search engine ranking and make your site more accessible. Adobe, Google, Yahoo and someone else are working on a Flash player that the search engine can read but that will be limited so use use nice graphics, AJAX, Javascript, CSS and and server stuff with PHP and only use the Flash for essential things. You will find you can do a lot of stuff with the CSS, Javascript and AJAX.


New Member
Well I disagree with fashion and wedding sites being a must. Maybe a Flash header an maybe even the nav, but apart from that it can be done with CSS, JS, AJAX and XHTML. You can still make it look great and you could even do the nav with the CSS and stuff. With wedding site I would have though SEO would be one of the main things since there are loads out there and who is really going to choose one on the 10th page of Google? Is anyone even going to go to the 10th page to see? So I disagree with Flash sites altogether unless all you need is something to look good and your not worried about the search engines and accessibility.