planet earth


New Member
I have to give a pitch on "working from home" next week to some senior folks at a company I consult for. I was wondering what you all thought about the pro's and con's about working for a corporation from a home office or "telecommuting" I suppose is the latest buzzword around the idea. In addition to the pro's and con's, I have to provide a savings cost analysis for employees working from home. Obviously the goal is to sell them on the idea

Aside from saving on gas, razor blades and spray starch... are there any other really important things to point out. And what are the draw backs besides missing out on those face-to-face discussions?

Thanks for your input.


Staff member
The biggest drawback would be tv, other people and all manner of distractions that you usually experience at home would hamper your productivity.


New Member
some pros:
being there for family if they need you
more people with disabilities can work if they have the chance to work from home
less commuting time possibly more productiveness
no time spent gossiping/office politics
no catching the flue off eachother :)

people stopping by to visit every day cause you are home
higher electricity bills for extra heating cooling computer
harder to ask for help
can't run ideas by someone as easily


Staff member
oh yeah, not having people cough and sneeze on you is a big bonus of working from home.
Suz, I like the new work from home blog in your signature.


New Member
I would say it is great to work out of the home b/c it is cheaper but it is very hard to stay focused and get done what you need to. Also I tend to work longer hours b/c its right in my home.


New Member
Job satisfaction...

If you work from home you are happier.
Happier = Better work
Happier = Less likely to leave

You could also dangle the less commute time = more work time carrot....