Place Rss on page from blog


New Member
I know this must be somewhat simple but all of the information i find is complicated and not to the least to me.

What I need to do:
Building a website (php).
On the homepage lower is basically a three column setup.
One column will just be a contact form.

Both other Columns I need to place "feeds".
Formated pretty much like a standard feed -
- Headline (link to complete article)
- Date
- Brief info (first sentence or few words from article)

Then repeat 4 or 5 more of the latest articles.

The links go to the specific article that will be it's own blog page on the same website (Wordpress most likely) with a comments area under it.

The Blog content will be updated by client.

I can add the blog myself. What i am having trouble finding is how to add the feeds. I also want the feeds readable by search engines - no flash feeds.

What is my best approach? I need to do this in the future and on some other sites also.
Is there a good/simple/affordable/ad-free "feeder" that I can style and control to fit the project?

Consideration to hire someone but this seems so simple if I just knew how or could find a simple tutorial - focused on what I need not one becoming an xml programmer.



New Member
2 "simple" steps ...

1. create a script that produces the feed (file).

2. create a script that takes the file from step 1 as input, parses it and spits out a presentation.