personal site layout


New Member
Hi, I was just wondering what you guys think of the graphics/colors/layout of my site.


New Member
"Revamped design (unless your on IE)" Change "your" to "you're" or "you are".

Add padding to the left and right of the content in the boxes. You have a nice amount of padding on the headings and dates above the content... maybe try using the same amount so it lines up nicely.

Not a big fan of the page's background mixed with the header background and the stripes. Seems like a bit too much going on (also when you throw in the slanted nav it's just even more to look at).

Just noticed that the header graphic changes position on every page (and every time you reload a page). Some of the positions look alright, but I think some of them are too slanted (again, a lot to take in all at once what with the slantedness and the background textures and all).

Overall, it's better than a lot of sites I've seen, which is good :p Keep us updated on any changes.


New Member
Thanks for the advice.

These are the changes I have made so far
-changed your to you're, actually already got another comment about that
-dropped the possible header angle by 2 degrees
-got rid of the angles in the navigation links
-pulled the upper background images
-added padding to the text
-added some padding to the navigation links and titles/dates

I also posted a picture of a comparison between versions here