Paypal Web Integration Question


New Member
I'm new to this forum, so please be gentle.....

I have a website which I have integrated paypal onto with no problems. A mate has asked me to do the same for their website, however is there a way I can do it without knowing their paypal password (ie. can you only get the html to add to a site when you are logged into paypal under the account you want paying into?).

I feel a bit uncomfortable asking him for his password, and am wondering if the only option is to talk him through how to get the html from paypal himself?

Many Thanks for any help in advance !!


New Member
Hello I had encountered this similar situation where I need to know my friend's personal password before I can get things accomplished. What I did was I asked for his password and then asked him to change it after I am done. Luckily he trusted me enough were it did not get to the point where we need to deal with it so badly. Try this and maybe it will work for both of you. I know it is not the best solution out there but I think it is effective.


New Member
Adding Paypal to a site is pretty easy. You don't really need to get your mate's password. t is just a matter of adding a little HTML (HyperText Markup Language) to a web page:
<form action="" method="post">
<-- The details of the transaction will go here-->
<CENTER><input type="image" src="images/paypal.gif" name="submit"
alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!">


New Member
I feel silly asking an additional question here, but on ishie's code, in the "<-- The details of the transaction will go here-->" tidbit, I was curious as to an example code there. Talk about fresh blood lately lol, but I don't know whether to use that as a comment space or if there is any additional coding I should know for that, thanks!