opinions on flash in web design


New Member
heya i am new and currently on a webdesign course for college i am having to wright an essay on web designers opinions on the use of flash aninamations and video in websites please could you help me on this?


New Member
I think that flash in web design is the best, if it's professional enough. Video's aren't so good as sometimes they take ages to load which isn't good.


New Member
I think it depends on the web site subject and goals. For instance, here in the states there are a lot of online news channel sites... they use a lot of streaming video saved from newscasts. Flash sites need to be extremely well designed and optimized or they are just as bad as using video as far as load times... for instance, I know this one designer who built this beautiful flash site for one of his customers... it took 30 seconds to load on my broadband connection.... hmmm... gonna be a lot of lost business there, don't you think?

It's the designer's responsibility to know and advise the client when it's appropriate or not to use technologies. Many clients are just learning about all the technologies available and are not only overwhelmed with the choices but think they want it all when in the final analysis, wanting it all may not be the best choice because having video or flash could hurt their site more than help.


New Member
Personally, I'm not a fan, but Steph (once again) is right. It depends on the target audience, and what the site wants to accomplish. I also strongly believe that if you're using flash and animation, you need to use it cautiously. I don't go to a lot a flash site because they take to long to load (I'm on dial-up; ouch), but I do view video casts from different new stations.


New Member

I agree with the above 2 posts. Personally, flash is a tool like anything else. You wouldn't use red font just because you like red. You use it when you need to express something. You wouldn't use your cell phone, when you are in your house and can call for free, would you? But when you are at South Beach partying, and clients call you (thinking you are working) you should use your cell.

The point is, use flash if it is needed. Presentations, etc. Skateboarding site may want a nice flash intro. Then on the HTML part of the site, it may have some downloadable or viewable videos with different skateboarding tricks.

I like to give my users the option. Same goes for PDF. I like to let them know before they click on a PDF link, thinking it was HTML and crashes their computer.

Use flash when appropriate. And try not to use them for menus because some search engines have trouble reading them and will not crawl your entire site. MSN seems to do a good job, but not the others.

Michael C. Gates
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New Member
read my home page

You can use flash all you want but who will find it ?
looks good but search engines see it as a blank bit of code and totlay over look it

read my home page on my views


New Member
Flash, in my opinion is best used to complement HTML. Flash can be easily found and indexed by spiders in this way. The problem people always run into with flash, is that it is designed to "show off" all of its features, rather than keep and maintain the interest of its viewers. This is best described by a friend of mine that recently designed an all flash page for his school portfolio. Every time he editied it, he would test the page to make sure it was edited correctly what he said was " I sure am getting pretty F%#*%ing tired of watching this animation over and over again" So what I am trying to say is yes flash is good, and in fact a very powerful and useful web design "asset"