Online Mafia


New Member
Have you ever wanted to get back at spammers and scammers? Well I am starting an online mafia to get back at the scum of the internet and put the power back in the users hands. Once a day you will get an email from me and i will tell you what site we are going to get back at for that day. We will flood email boxes with negative feed back and try to crash their server with the digg effect.

join today


New Member
So you're going to spam people? Seems kind of low to me.

Fighting fire with fire won't work. It's like fighting underage drinking or drugs, it won't work.


New Member
I have to agree, this sounds like a bad idea to me. So you get to be judge, jury and executioner ? What happens if you make a mistake, you crash some poor innocents server ? What happens if the spammer is using shared hosting ?

Spam is a pain , but what you are describing is like screwing for virginity...


New Member
I've been accused of sending spam before even though I didn't and nearly had my site shut down. It is not fun let me tell you.


New Member
Fighting fire with fire is a bad idea. The last thing we all need is a continually escalating spam war...