New member in Japan


New Member
Hi all,

I'm new, based in Maizuru, Western Japan and keen to meet a few up and coming young designers as I have stuff in the pipeline about now.

I own 5 small schools in the Northern Kyoto region and have recently taken on a guy with a background in systems management and a serious Flash hobby as my partner. We plan to do 'stuff' with a new webpage we're working on.

We're developing a new style of adult lesson which involves the use of a continuing story - presented in pocast form with additional material available as downloads - where the students have some say in where the story is going.

We intend to spend a bit of money developing and marketing this idea, but are rather limited in the time we can spend to get this happening.

We'd be happy to talk with folks who feel they have something particularly relevant to contribute... (I have another post looking for a redisign of our logo here --> )

