New Forum


New Member
I have started a new forum as a companion to my site

I know that quite a few people here run successfull forums and such, do you have anytips on how to actually get people to register when the forum is brand new? What are the best ways to get a forum off the ground and running on its own legs?

Also If you could please review my setup and give any suggestions you may have....I'm a bit new to forums (long time user, first time provider)

you can visit my forum at

And if you feel like joining and posting some stuff while your there, I wouldn't mind :)



Staff member
I just tried to register with the username ian and it said the username cannot be less than 5 letters.
One of the best ways is good seo, making the page title "myspace forum"
getting inbound links with that anchor text.


New Member
thanks for pointing that out ian....I actually changed it to 3 last night but did not hit save(oops). I fixed it if you feel like trying again later. Thanks


New Member
I'll sign up if you're just looking for bodies but I don't have anything on myspace and don't know a whole lot about it except some people from there like to hotlink to my sites to steal images and bandwidth.


New Member
Thanks for being the first "real" person to post at my forum ian, I made a little surprise to thank you

Let me know if you want to change the way it reads, or there is something else you'd rather be there

Stephanie, Sorry bout all the Hot Link trouble, some of my sites are having that problem too. I Would appreciate if you signed up as well, maybe you could post on there about that, I'm sure that won't stop many people, but I'm sure that most MySpace Users don't even know that hotlinking can have negative effects. Thats why I have a spot for free image Uploads, "Controlled Bandwidth Stealing".
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New Member
well, myspace isn't the only one to do that kind of thing. And you're right, most of them don't realize that's what they are doing... they just see neat pics, is all. When I catch them I usually go through cpanel to enable hotlink protection.

I suppose that could be a neat topic to add to your site, huh? I'll get around there sometime today.

I have a pesky Joomla component that doesn't want to work but I NEED it. It's the only one I've found that does what I need it to do. I've tried all their little tips and tricks... none of them have worked so far... so I'm giving my head a rest and will go over everything again and hope I missed something simple or the solution will come to me.


Staff member
whoa that is a way cool banner. I am impressed.
I will try and return and make some more post once I get a chance to try out myspace.


New Member
I found the design to be very appealing. The forum looks nice and can be a good companion to your site, but you have to make sure to publicize it as much as possible to make sure visitors actually find it.
I had added a forum to one of my sites where a group I attended had gotten together regularly. Since they all knew about the site, I added a few links to the main page and made sure to tell them about it.
You can use this tactic: Tell other MySpace users about your site and forum, and hopefully, they'll like it and tell other people.
I do have to say that it's a good thing that there are a lot of myspace users around, though.