Need to add announcement to home page


New Member

I have a client who just opened a new office and wants to put the announcement on the home page of his website. He wants it to appear for about 6 months and he says he doesn't want it to overshaddow the home page, but that it should be "significant".

I know that one option would be to scroll it, but have always heard people find that rather annoying so looking for some alternative ideas... I am not familiar with Flash, which might be able to produce something interesting, but haven't learned how to do that yet.

The website is: if you want to get a feel of the site is.

Any suggestions?



New Member
I would make it very simple. Change the font of "Coralville, IA Office" (or whichever office is new) to red, and put *NEW* or Just opened! also in red. Hope that helps.


New Member
That sounds like an easy fix. I'll run that by him and see if he would go for that. I sort of got the idea he wanted something splashy, but I hate to cheapen the site.
