Need Some Help


New Member

I need some help in which I am willing to pay someone for. I have this idea for a website (already have the domain just need to figure out a host) that is not e-commerce. I want the website to be set so that people who create an account
have their own page where they can tell their story and upload photos. I may or may not want it set up so you have to apply and have an account to read other peoples stories. It will have the typical home page link, about us, contact, resources, etc. That stuff is all easy. The main thing is to able to set it up in the way that people can have their own page where others can simply comment on the stories, read the stories, etc. The content isn't important to tell right now.

PMs are nice but I'd like to hear members responses here so I can verify the legitimacy of said forum member.



Super Moderator
Staff member

whats your budget, where are you situated and are you wanting to work with someone local, or that does not matter?


New Member
Not too worried about location as long as the job can be done.

Budget is about $500 for website creation.



New Member
Good question.

I guess I'm not too worried about quick turnaround, a week or two would be fine. The important thing is that it's done right.



New Member
Gee what a shock. Come to a forum for some help and receive sarcastic response instead of constructive help. There's always one in the crowd eh.

Instead of saying you are probably looking at $$$$.$$ and ________ weeks, the ignorant always have a smart ass response.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Wouldn't the one with the unrealistic expectations be the ignorant one?

Seriously, don't get butt-hurt. It works like this: Fast, Cheap, Good. You can pick 2 options. You're looking for all three.


New Member
Wouldn't the one with the unrealistic expectations be the ignorant one?

Seriously, don't get butt-hurt. It works like this: Fast, Cheap, Good. You can pick 2 options. You're looking for all three.

Yet still no concrete. ****ing computer nerd lipping on a forum. PM me, I will give you my address and we can talk about the costs and expectations in person. See how much lip I get then. Dickhead.


Super Moderator
Staff member
the only sarcastic response I see is yours armster.
I was merely stating that it seemed a little unrealistic to expect that for that timeframe and budget that you could manage to pull off a fantastic design as well.

and it is as ronald states:- fast, cheap, good - pick 2.

for instance through the studio I work at our rates are $110/hr - you'll get just short of 5 hrs there. as a freelancer my rates are $50/hr, again you'll only get 10hrs there as well. maybe you'll find a freelancer who'll do it for $10/hr, it may be fast and cheap, but will it be good?

ignorant? I've been in the industry for 12 years now. what about you?
I've seen it all and certainly know when someone has unrealistic expectations. this project is certainly do-able, and could be really good, but for $500 and a week, give me a ****ing break!

Grow a ****ing spine, and dont get upset when someone points out your flaws, or your ignorance. It only shows your stupidity and naivety.
Sad part is, I'm sure there is someone out there who will do it, at that price, sad. Oh and to the OP, threatening someone you don't know is just plain old stupid. I may be a computer nerd, but before that, I was a pro wrestler, whats your story?