Need help with my website for school


New Member
hey guys, im somewhat new to this. actually im not new at all, but i guess i never progressed much at all until lately. i just started learning css a few weeks ago, but ive fooled around with web design and html for about 8 years.

heres the scoop:

i have to build a website about one of my hobbies, i chose hockey.

link to website:

on one of my pages, im trying to put a list of all the teams in the nhl together. it looks terrible, but im not so sure on how to make it look better. right now, im using div tags, but i cant get the two positioned side by side. i hear im supposed to use floats to do this, but not sure how.

what i want to do is position the eastern conference on the left half, and the western conference on the right half.

so in my code:

#eastConf {
border: #333333 solid 1px;

this seems to somewhat work, but the borders look a little messed up and overlap, and its not quite half of the section. can anyone give me a little guidance? would be much appreciated. thanks!


New Member
As a big advocate of div as opposed to tables, this is a little strange for me to type but here goes :)

Use a table....

This data is in table form so I reckon you are good to use a table in this instance. The way I would do it is a table with 2 columns 3 rows and have maybe lists in each table cell.



New Member
It looks like a clear: left; property might fix this. Try adding it to the container element(s) and/or the #eastConf id. Remember that you're using a float property, which causes it to "hover" above the page. The clear property should push the rest of the page with it, as if it's not even floated :)