My first Webapp: Zip code search - Your feedback


New Member
Bulleted lists are much easier to read. Change the directions to something more legible like:

Search for Zip, City, State and County

Enter any one of these:
- Zip
- City & State
- County
- Latitude and/or Longitude


New Member
"Enter Zip Code,City,State Code,County,Latitude or Longitude (only one)"

What Dan said. Change to a list format. Did you consider making a banner in place
of just the 'search for zipcode' text? I mean just a simple image-logo or something
would do wonders.


Staff member
should probably state somewhere that it is for american states only.


New Member
It's a handy tool but it lacks design. What about any images, graphics or at least an impressive logo? Why don't you help people remember your site?