My companies website: What to change, what to keep.


New Member
Just recently got a new job, and since our/their (still new, odd to say 'our') website´s a tad old, the owner want it changed.

Needless to say, this sparked a sea of discussion. Since we're quite small, we can't afford to hire a designer or anything, so it's up to us at the IT-department to build it.

Our current website looks like this:

My question to you, good folks, is this: Can you pick it apart with some tasty critique? :)

What could be changed? What should be changed? What should not be changed? How should it be changed? Well, you know the drill.

There's only one requirement: it must not be some tech-demo making everyone doing design to clap their hands. This site is for higher ups in their 35-60's, looking to spend some 10K-100K € (on the services we offer), so it must keep some form of calm, professional looking minimalism in the spirit.

Thanks! o/

d a v e

New Member
font size is too small, especially for the age range (well the higher end of it) take it up a couple of notches

background gradient is a bit severe - lengthen the part where it changes to white (and /or pick a silver to fade to)

rollover effect on the menu

logo colour on links (that pinkish purple)

other wise it ticks all the boxes for me



New Member
I noticed some of the pages have a thin border on the right side. I like the border, so it you could place it on the left side as well. You can do that somewhere in the CSS.


New Member
I like the concept, the design is almost slick. To make it better, I would make the corners rounded.

By the way, there is a gap between your top menu and the body. I would add this css code

div#topmenue { margin: 0; }


New Member
In principle, the design of a pleasant, but there are drawbacks ... For example, the link "Contact Center" is badly looked graphical layout .. But still, I'm picking on this .. 0 So, good luck!)