My Award Winning Positive Huntington's disease Page/Blog/


New Member
I am 25, am experiencing Huntington’s disease symptoms. My family is one of the few in the world who have early onset. I was a Nurse Assistant before I got sick. I made a positive, comprehensive website. It has a blog, Articles, care giving tips, ways to fight brain fog, myths, my story, my families’ story, history, ways to have a positive testing experience, and ways to cope. I also put on there the poems I got published in the horizon. I now have my personal support group. I have won more awards in a short period time than any other site, 53. 21 are international Awards. I won the World’s Highest Honor the Talking Hands Award.


New Member
For what did you get the awards.... definitly not for the design or user friendliness of your website...

I can imagine there is a lot you want to tell and help others to cope with their disease, but your website realy doenst like good at all. Ther totaly wasnt any thought about lay-out, style or structure.

It is a nice hobby site, and if you can struggle yourself thru the unreadable content, you can actually find some usuable info.

If you realy want to help your target group and inform people around you (and other patients), look around on the internet a bit and you must be able to find websites that look more atractive then yours. With some simple adjustments you must be able to make it more atractive.


New Member
I'd have to agree with c)solutions, the site design aesthetics seem a bit dated and could use a little bit retinkering to get the site more navigable. I, personally, have never heard of this disease and when i went to the site, the first thing i wanted to know was what the disease was. I would consider making the HD info one of the first links in the site. If you are looking to spread the word about the disease, place more emphasis on that and not so much about your own struggle with it. People would be a lot more interested in your story if they understand right away what you are coping with.

You have a lot of good content, something a lot of sites lack. The problem is how you are presenting it. It serves well as a hobby site if you only plan on keeping it within your friends and support group but if you really want to get the disease more exposure than it currently gets now, you should reconsider how the content is layed out to make it as easy as possible for people to grasp.

Also, i love the amount of color you put into the site. But some of the graphics and repeating backgrounds have hard edges that dont blend together when repeated, You may wanna look for background textures that can repeat so the site doesn't appear so chunky.

keep with it, constantly tweak and sooner or later it will come around. it's a great start and you obviously have a good basic idea as to how designing a web site goes, you just need to refine your aesthetics and you will have a really good site.