Mr. B's Domain with Lime!

Mr. B

New Member
Back in August I redesigned my website for the first time in about five years. Neither I or a lot of people here were especially happy with the initial result. I recently spent a few hours changing the site and redoing the colors and I would like to know what you guys think.

My main concern is the color scheme, which I like but is potentially offensive.

Mr. B's Domain -


New Member
My main concern is the color scheme, which I like but is potentially offensive.
Why would you say it was offensive? I'm really fond of the lime color as it's one of my all time favorite web colors! The thing is that even though the dark and lime colors work well together the end result is that the page looks a bit gloomy. However if you lightened up the background color of the main content container it would counter balance the darker body color. Have you tried to invert the colors of the main content section, I.E. light background, darker font?