message mundo part II


New Member
Hi please review this site again as it ha sbeen drastically changed with help from Spencer at Bare Koncept Media

let me know what you think please? :)



New Member
I'm trying to remember how this looked before... I will have to say this is a much better design. My main suggestion would be to blend the corners of all of your images with the background, it is real faint, and may not show up on some monitors, but every image with a rounded corner has a white 90 degree corner extending out to the edge of the image. Thats an easy fix, just paint over the corner in your images with the background color on your site, or change your background to white. All in all I think you did great.

Also you may wish to work the ads on your main page into the content, I would move the bottom ad above the scrolling news, and change the background of the ad to match the background of your site


Staff member
Perhaps the upload your message section should appear higher in the page as that is what most people who frequent the site would use.


New Member
I agree with Ian. The site is a bit everywhere and hasn't been optimised for different resolutions and browsers. You've got a lot of space that doesn't look good and it is all a bit "higeldy-pigeldy". I like the design otherwise though