Looking for Web Designers / Developers


New Member
w3bsit3 is an ambitious project to create the largest and most comprehensive
database of web design portfolios in the world. We are currently compiling the database, so if you want your work to be featured and searchable by our visitors, please visit our submit page to add your portfolio for free. (http://www.w3bsit3.com)

Thanks for your interest in w3bsit3.com!


New Member
I jumped on board with W3BSIT3.com in early June. Since then we have massively reconstructed the site into a completely new service which is much closer to launch that the original Aug 6th date.

Our service is now centered upon website appraisals. We are set to value sites based on six criteria which we find to be extremely important in the valuation process. (Website Concept, Domain Value, Design, Content, Optimization and Web Presence)

Here are a few of our early samples: Sync Gaming, PSD Pro