Login from non secure site to a secure site?


New Member
I need some help with a site function at www.intracatsystems.com . On the left of the page is an area for a "Digital One" client to sign in. The actual sign in for the product is on a secure site (and please forgive me if I do not get the terminology correct - this is my first real website). The question is - can I set the login and password boxes on this page to access and populate the login and password boxes on the secure site. In other words, I'd like the client to be able to enter their login and password from my site rather than redirecting them to the https page.



New Member
You might be able to do this using a little Javascript magic...

I've run a few google searches, and I believe it might be possible to define it in the link using Javascript, but that'll take a little research on your part.


New Member
Remove the login from the sidebar completely. Put a link in it's place (to a login page) for your users to go where they would then enter their login & password. This way you can ensure that all logins are safe & secure. Make the link something like this:

The only other way of doing it would be to use some sort of server to server technology such as .NET web service or Single Sign On... but I'm guessing that's impractical here.
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