Loading Images faster...help?

d a v e

New Member
preload the nav bar images (check DW help - i assume you're using DW?)

use a jpeg for your logo


New Member
I would suggest setting up CSS sprites, and then using CSS rollovers.

This will reduce the amount of pictures you're having to load, and will mean that all of the rollovers will start to work at the exact same time.

Also optimize your images, if they're not already.

The rough idea behind the CSS sprites, is reducing the number of packets of data that need to be sent back and forth to download the images, reducing it to a single packet for the whole menu.

Give it a try and see how you go.



New Member
Site loaded decently fast. I would suggest, in addition to the above posts, replacing the image-based navigation for a HTML/CSS one. You can pretty much replicate that in CSS anyhow.


New Member
Okay, you absolutely NEED to put your CSS in an external .css file, and your javascript into an external .js file.

For SEO purposes, put the CSS file in the same directory as your index.html file, and put your JS file in a folder.

Your page will load faster because there will be less code to interpret for the browser.
