Lists positioning


New Member
My site is There is a problem the position of the buttons. I formatted in a list with a background of a gradient button. I need the buttons to span the width of the page 990 px. and also not have too much space between buttons. Note: Skate Parks button's space. Please help if you can



New Member
In the following, you have the code that gives the Skate Park link the extra spacing. You should remove it:

ul.links li a.shim{
padding:0 89px;

Now the padding will be even, but the nav bar will not be wide enough. One solution to this is to increase the padding between elements until it -is- wide enough. At the moment you have within the style definition

ul.links li a:link, ul.links li a:visited{
    (a bunch of styles)
    padding:0 27px 0 29px;

Increase the numbers in the padding line until the bar is as wide as you require. 0 38px 0 38px seems to get pretty close, but if you increase either by another pixel then it goes down to the next line... you may need to create a special class for one of the items so that it lines up properly.

There's possibly a better solution, but this is the quickest version to achieve what you're looking to do without a major re-structuring.