Links with /#!/


New Member
I hope I'm posting this in the correct section, I'm new to the forum. Anyways, I've been seeing websites utilizing /#! in their links as you navigate and I don't understand how it works. An example would be, as you navigate it directs you through the /#!/ and then to the page.
My guess is that it's just a way to get websites indexed because it adds the Ajax request that wouldn't have been there before, but I have a good feeling that's way off. Anyways If someone could point me in the right direction or at least give me a name, it would be much appreciated.


New Member
I know what anchors are, but these aren't anchors. After a quick scan through his resources I saw a plugin called 'jQuery Address'. It's a jQuery plugin for deeplinking. From what I can gather it's basically separating the single page into a crawlable website.
The plugin is here.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I know what anchors are, but these aren't anchors

Look at the source code and you will find a whole lot of named anchors, then a javascript function "moves" the appropriate "block" into the viewport window.

Turn off javascript and the document stops "working"
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