Layer Scrolling


New Member
Iv just started to make a page for the first time and decided that i would like to keep the header and footer in view and just scroll a block in the center could someone please explain how to do this.

Thanks V.much

teh n00b:cool:


New Member
I am certainly not an expert at all of this but, if you are using HTML, I think you would do it with frames. If you have an HTML "How To" book, check the section on frames for details of how to set them up.


New Member
Frames are old tech - don't go there. Use a fixed height/width <div id="mydiv"> and set #mydiv overflow to scroll in the stylesheet.


New Member

ok i get the idea but how do i implement it e.g how do i set the width hight ect. could u post some example code



New Member
Create a div on your page like this <div id="somediv"></div>

add you content between the div tags.
add this line between the head tags of you page:-
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">

Create a text file called style.css and paste the following into it:-

change the values to whatever suits your layout.


New Member

My knowledge of all of this is pretty rudimentary and style sheets are not covered in my "how to" book. Do you use them within html? If so, I should probably get a more up to date book.



New Member
css styling can be incorporated within the page between <style> tags but IMO this is not best practice. I believe in keeping everthing separated - HTMl in one doc css in another script in another etc. In complex page designs it makes the whole thing much more readable and easier to find any errors that might have crept in. If you want to bring yourself up to speed on css use then I suggest you start by walking through th tutorials available at


New Member
its ok guys i have sorted the scolling issue. thanks for all your help. the next question is can i just reload the layer rather then the whole page? like frames used to do???


New Member
no. frames are pages within pages... layers are not... they aren't the same at all although when you see the results through a browser it might seem so... layers are part of the page in a way that frames are not...


New Member
are frames reliable enough though? i simply want to reaload the center of the page rather than loading every link and graphic for every page.