jquery help


New Member
So, I'm quite new to the whole Java and Jquery business. I'm trying to set up a thumbnail grid with a pop up using a Jquery program..software? snippet? called Smart Gallery.

The download file came in a .zip and I'm not sure what to do with it. There is a .js file, a .css file, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Do i extract that to my root folder or just keep it zipped up? I assume I'm suppose to call the .js file somewhere in my html but I'm not sure how.

So basically, what is the step by step process for me to incorporate the Jquery into my website. I'm trying to have the Jquery thumbnail grid inside 1 div if possible. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
jquery is javascript NOT Java, they are two very different languages with a similar syntax.

Soooo! Have you read any instructions that may have come along with whatever it is from wherever you got it?


New Member
There weren't any help txt files or anything liek that. I got it off a site listing like 500 diff Jquery plug ins. I just need to know the basics of how one sets up a .js file so I can do trial and error and see how to modify it to my use.


New Member
If you know HTML/CSS maybe you should watch some tutorials on jquery before you start trying to use plugins. At least the beginner ones that show you how to link to jquery.


Super Moderator
Staff member
almost all jquery plugins are "installed" pretty much the same way.
1. download the zip
2. extract the zip
3. place the js in your js folder (in your website folder structure)
4. place the css in your css folder (in your website folder structure)
5. any images place in your image folder (in your website folder structure)
6. place a <link> in the head of your html to the css
7. place a <script> linking to jquery library (possibly included in the zip but best to get the latest version) in your html
8. place the plugin <script> link in your html AFTER you call jquery
9. call the plugin via the one or two lines of code that they give you, and anything that you need to do to the element to get it to work (like adding rel="lightbox" to <img> so they function, etc...)
10. alongside with #9 you might want to modify the defaults this usually happens here as well.
11. make sure all paths are correct for the js, css and the images
12. save and preview in the browser.

if it doesnt come with any notes (which I highly doubt) then dont use it, thats pretty self explanatory. but almost every jquery plugin i've ever used has been highly documented. once you unzip the file its probably all contained within the index.html, or example.html or sample.html or demo.html all that you need will be in that, just view the source...
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