Jon Needs Our Help!- Please Review ;)


New Member
Our favorite Senator from Arizona & presidential candidate Jon McCain has taken the gloves off, and we need to do our part to ensure a conservative gov. for the sake of our nation.
I did these ads for him at

Let me know what you guys think!


New Member
woh cool!!

I'm definantly voting john Mccain now,
Yeah Bomb the **** out of all those places, heck yeah

Uh besides the slander,

not a bad site, maybe a black background, or something,

The white background with those solid red banners and red sides just seems a little off,
Perhaps a red background,


New Member
oh just noticed,
The pic of Mccain on the right, blocks the Fox Neos,

You may want to <br> before the text hits the side
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New Member
I'm quite shocked that someone would put this sort of content:

"Barack Obama is a terrorist and wants to sit down with our terrorist enemies to dine on aborted fetuses"
On their own companys' website! :eek:


Staff member
bush and the republicans have caused the greatest financial crisis since the great depression.
and you want to reward the republicans for 8 years of gross incompetence by voting them back in?


New Member
Quite the contrary-
the original page was a pretty harsh critique of the laughable McCain/Palin ticket - I took that page down and replaced it with the current banner after too many people missed the point (i.e. voodish)