Issue fixing a website


New Member
Howdy All!

This is my first time here, kind of in a pickle. I am helping a friend of mine with his website, but I cannot seem to solve this issue. The site displays perfectly fine when viewed in Internet Explorer; however, when viewed in Mozilla Firefox, some of the header images break, and more important, the nav bars are broken. I have included the 3 links to the site which are faulty below:

[The website is named below instead, along with the 3 pages that are broken.]

*Our Condo

Could anyone explain to me why this is happening, and what I can do to help my friend out of this jam? Appreciate it greatly!


New Member
If you look at your source code the pages with the broken header are trying to access a file images/beachesheader.jpg which does not exists.. where as the working pages are accessing your two header images images/beaches2aleft.jpg and images/beaches2aright.jpg.

Try opening the working pages up in dreamweaver (or whichever app you use) and copying the working header table over the broken ones.


New Member
It's working on my Firefox... but after validating your code, you can see 74 errors... and most of it critical.

Check it here.