Is IE6 Gone yet ?


New Member
I still have browser consistency code in my css for IE6 browsers, surely by now it will be gone . . ?

I find my self in this situation every time designing web pages

Anyone else feel the same ?


New Member
Yeah I definitely can relate to that graphic! Well, aside from the thing about tables, even if CSS initially can sometimes take longer to setup (which hasn't really been my experience anyhow, but some people find tables faster to setup initially for whatever reason), I find that it really saves a lot of time in the long run.

I hate IE6, and IE in general, it's not one of my favorite things to deal with. Fortunately IE6 is really declining in usage now.
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New Member
Yes,if you ask me, we can now stop designing for IE6. If a client specifically asks for a site to work in IE6, well, you're stuck, but I think you should be able to charge extra for that. According to W3C, IE6 usage is under 10%, but that's the bottom 10% mind you.


New Member
My general rule of thumb is, if a visitor is not competent enough to at least have IE 7, then I simply don't care for the visitor. People need to realize which side of the digital divide they are on, and then respond accordingly. I used to work in tech support, and you wouldn't believe the amount of issues that were solved when I would advise the caller to install FF.

People always talk about browser wars between IE and FF, and we have to remember that IE is only in that war because so many people use it, not because it is better than FF. A lot of mac users will use Safari because it's "apple", and most PC users will use IE because it's there!


New Member
So what if Microsoft stopped supporting IE6? It's still our job to make the sites compatible with whatever browsers our user has. I know that usage stats show that IE6 is falling off the map but it's not gone- yet.

I work for a company with about 1000 people and EVERY ONE OF THEM STILL USES IE6 because the software we have installed is not compatible with 7 as of yet. The company spent over a million dollars implementing this software within the last couple of years so there is NO WAY there will be another upgrade anytime soon.

Yes it sucks to have to backpedal but in the end who cares? I personally welcome a challenge, don't you? Isn't that why we are all web nerds?!? :)


New Member
IE6 will be around for many years yet, mainly in corporate environments where they are slow to upgrade.IE is still the most common browser in use and support for standards in IE7/8 is far better than IE6 so you shouldn't have many issues at all. IE6 isn't that difficult to cater for, you can either write an IE6 specific stylesheet or write cross browser compatible CSS in your main stylesheet.