increasing page speed


New Member
I want to leverage browser caching to increase page speed. I've done some research on this and it sounds like max-age and and last-modified are good choices, but I'm unclear on how to determine which files I should implement for it. In general, I'm confused on how to actually do this and what the code would look like in my htaccess. I guess I'm looking to get some more explicit help or to be shown some examples. Or maybe someone can direct me to a lesson/tutorial on this that a novice like me can understand, which I haven't had any luck finding. Any help from someone who knows more about max-age and last-modified and can help tell me how to do this would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Use externally linked css style sheets and javascript files instead of mashing it all in the same page.

Combine images such as icons in to one image then use backgroun-position to show only the image you want to show - the less files the fast your page will load.

Use it's a free tool to see how many objects you are loading and how quickly. The less objects, the faster. Hence combining images to one image.

Make sure you ALWAYS put a width and height on all <IMG> tags. This will allow your page to render as it is being downloaded and will *appear* to load faster.

Experiment with images. Tile gradients instead of using massive images, index images that are small or have few colours...

There's a starting point. There's millions of things you can do!


New Member
Use externally linked css style sheets and javascript files instead of mashing it all in the same page.

Combine images such as icons in to one image then use backgroun-position to show only the image you want to show - the less files the fast your page will load.

Use it's a free tool to see how many objects you are loading and how quickly. The less objects, the faster. Hence combining images to one image.

Make sure you ALWAYS put a width and height on all <IMG> tags. This will allow your page to render as it is being downloaded and will *appear* to load faster.

Experiment with images. Tile gradients instead of using massive images, index images that are small or have few colours...

There's a starting point. There's millions of things you can do!

There's away that you can have your images hosted on another domain as well. That helps with page load as well.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Look into the YSlow add-on for Firefox and Chrome. Very helpful tool when it comes to optimizing page load time/speed. You even get graded on your performance :p