** Image only OFF CENTERED in Internet Explorer **


New Member
Why is my Blackberry image off-centered only in Internet explorer?


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<style type="text/css">
.black {
	height: 91px;
	width: 213px;
	text-align: center;
	padding-top: 60px;
	left: 341.5px;
	padding-left: 341px;
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GB_myShow = function(caption, url, /* optional */ height, width, callback_fn) {
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        caption: caption,
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        callback_fn: callback_fn
    var win = new GB_Window(options);
    return win.show(url);
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New Member
is this style suppose to be seperate from the linked style sheet?

[COLOR=#800080]<style type=[COLOR=#0000ff]"text/css"[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]
.black {
    height: 91px;
    width: 213px;
    text-align: center;
    padding-top: 60px;
    left: 341.5px;
    padding-left: 341px;

I would guess it has to do something with the padding-left: 341px


New Member
is this style suppose to be seperate from the linked style sheet?

[COLOR=#800080]<style type=[COLOR=#0000ff]"text/css"[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]
.black {
    height: 91px;
    width: 213px;
    text-align: center;
    padding-top: 60px;
    left: 341.5px;
    padding-left: 341px;

I would guess it has to do something with the padding-left: 341px

thats for the blackberry symbol and I made a style for it also (it only appears on this document while most of the other styles are on a separate sheet)

I had an idea to insert a div to the right of the blackberry symbol so that it would push it into position, but that just doesn't seem right : /

any other ideas?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Try this:

.black {
    height: 91px;
    left: 50%;
    padding-top: 60px;
    width: 213px;


New Member
I'd try something completely different

.black {
margin:2px auto 2px auto;

keep it simple.. the text-align is what is aligning the image. the margin is what is aligning the div.. so the margin shouldn't really be needed but I through it in there to get the height you are looking for.

Hope that helps
Last edited:


New Member
I'd try something completely different

.black {
margin:2px auto 2px auto;

keep it simple.. the text-align is what is aligning the image. the margin is what is aligning the div.. so the margin shouldn't really be needed but I through it in there to get the height you are looking for.

Hope that helps

thank you so much...this fixed it : )