

New Member
hi guys, i have a problem

i have a page and on top of that a iframe, code is:

<iframe frameborder="0" z-index: "100" height="100%" name="menu" src="menu.html" style="position: fixed; top: 40px; left: 80px;" width="110"></iframe>

its a menu, with links, now the problem is that i can't make it happen that the link open in the index page (so the iframe will still be n top of that page i linked to)

hope this makes sense, thx much!


New Member
what i'm also looking for is, if possible,

i have a div and within content, now what i want is a 'hidden' div with content that is hidden all the time but when you click a link it will show and when the link will be clicked again it will be hidden again, is this possible with just html or do i need a java script