iframe customisation


New Member

Is there a way to customise the look of scroll bars and arrows when using inline frames? Needs to be compatible with the top browsers.

Thanks in advance :)


New Member
I've never done it before but i would think it would be as simple as changing the look of the browser window's scrollbar considering that an iframe is basically a page within a page.


New Member
type="text/css"> body { scrollbar-arrow-color: ffffff; scrollbar-base-color:ffffff;
scrollbar-dark-shadow-color: ffffff; scrollbar-track-color: ffffff; scrollbar-face-color:
ffffff; scrollbar-shadow-color: ffffff; scrollbar-highlight-color: ffffff; scrollbar-3d-light-color:
ffffff; } </style>

change the colors to suit your site and there you have it.


New Member
thanks, but can you make it so the bar dissapears, so you just have an arrow at the top and bottom? Or does this involve different coding? Two nice graphical arrows would be sweet.



New Member
scrollbar CSS only works in IE AFAIK (unless other browsers have started to support this ludicrous non-standard, but Mozilla doesn't).

What you want to use is Javascript. Check out the scrollers section on DynamicDrive. They have a few examples.