I need CSS help for ie


New Member
very common thing to happen well if you are using dreamweaver assuming you are using dreamweaver since its the only way i know how to design you can add frames so it can have the same structure and then in dreamweaver preview it in Ie its really frustrating to make it work for any type of browser


New Member
looks like you need to vertical-align .links_table_left to the top, also set your font-size so that its consistent across browsers instead of letting the browser decide

whatever you do, dont add frames, it will cause you much more frustration in the end. Check out w3c's website and start schooling yourself on css & html so you can grasp more of the basics
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New Member
thanks, ill get those fixes up asap. btw i don't use dreamweaver. I use text editors on fedora. Dreamweaver is a cop-out, the program makes all the code for you! thats fair enough if you don't want to learn markup or css