I cannot center my h2 tag


New Member
If you're referring to the "Headline here" it's showing up fine for me on ie7. However... you might wanna take a look at these tags:

<div class="rbroundbox">
<div class="rbtop">
<div class="rbcontent">

Looks like there are all sorts of margins and what-not with all of these class definitions. Might be confusing the browser. You don't always wanna have so many tags nested inside each other like this if you can help it.


New Member
sorry guys, i ended up getting it fixed, i am still very new to css and dont understand html and css very much which explains why it is probably a little messy


New Member
Header Centralisation problem in the browser

Can you tell me please which browser you are using? I had same problem of London Escorts website and I was using google chrome beta version which doesnt support all the DW CS4. but it was OK with internet explorer and firefox or any other web browser. then i started to use DW CS3. Now its absoulately fine.


New Member
Every body from the beginner to the pro, run into issues with sloppy code here and there. I think that it is a constant learning experience about patience for all of us. I hope your site does well.


New Member
Every body from the beginner to the pro, run into issues with sloppy code here and there. I think that it is a constant learning experience about patience for all of us. I hope your site does well.

I think one way to avoid mistakes between browsers is by using code like.

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, p, div, ul, li, ul ul, a, form, input, textarea, table, td, tr

I know it's not related to the original problem. But this code resets all the defaults across the majortiy of browsers. Placed at the top of code. Inherting will modify these values. The amount of selectors and properties is endless.