HTML5 video problem


New Member
Hello guys.

As you adviced me I am working on learning HTML5. Everything went pretty well until I started to work with 'video'.
I use the latest chrome. I also tried to update the codec, but everything was already up to date.

The problem has to be in the src?

<video src="video/SAMPLE_01.mp4" controls></video>

When I execute in Chrome all I get to see is a black screen, and the controls.
I downloaded a sample video from a download site, its a sample of the movie Sherlock Holmes. I downloaded an MP4 because thats what the author of the tuturial used.


New Member
Fixed it.
Not sure if I fixed it tho.

I just deletes the video/ part. and now I have the video online.

In the tutorial he did use the directory. Did I fix my problem? Or did I just put a band-aid on it while its still bleeding?


New Member

now I have the same issue with "poster"

<video src="sample.mp4" poster="images.jpg" controls ></video>

I tried it with the directory, without the directory, checked it if it was a jpg, which it is?
does it only work with PNG?