Html Editor


New Member
I'm doing a small job for a client who has royally messed up her site just using her server's built in html editor.

Question - is there anything really wrong with doing a .php index and .html for the pages?

I want to do this so that she can edit the html pages really easily and they won't mess the site up again.

But is this 'correct'?

(does it matter if it is what is going to work best? :D)


New Member
Are you doing it this way so that she won't be able to change the layout of the .php page? I can't say whether it's right or wrong, but I am curious about your logic for the solution.


New Member
She doesn't know a thing about writing or coding, only uses the HTML editor to update sales.

ETA: I guess more information would be helpful! I didn't build the site, I'm just fixing it for her. There is code EVERYWHERE, such as an entire line to properly format a '!'.
I need to make this easier for her to use while working with the built-in server html editor.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Is there any way to define editable regions, so she could only edit certain areas of the PHP page?

That's close to what I was thinking. See if you can get her using CushyCMS, which defines editable regions by adding a class to the editable elements. Or, if the server-based editor allows the same, go that way.


New Member
you can use CMS application for you to be easily edit content of the stie..

A content management system (CMS) is the collection of procedures used to manage work flow in a collaborative environment. These procedures can be manual or computer-based. The procedures are designed to do the following:

* Allow for a large number of people to contribute to and share stored data
* Control access to data, based on user roles (defining which information users or user groups can view, edit, publish, etc.)
* Aid in easy storage and retrieval of data
* Reduce repetitive duplicate input
* Improve the ease of report writing
* Improve communication between users


New Member
A perfect example of why I had a slight rant in this thread - when-clients-stipulate-i-want-change-myself-what-do-you-tell-them.html

Here's where you make some money by selling an upgrade to her website so that she can make content changes or add products through a CMS solution better designed to handle the task for someone not web-technical.

Or you could make some money fixing it every time she messes it up!

With your php idea I guess you could use php includes to help simplify the areas she most commonly changes.

i.e. have you index.php include header.php, content.php and footer.php but tell her to change only the content.php which will have only text and images. Put all the html stuff in the other pages.

But I'm not sure if the web-based html editor will handle that ok so you will need to test it!


New Member
problem solved.

I'd keep everything php if the pages aren't live already.. as you may wish to add functionality, and should be using includes to save yourself time.
If you change from html to php later, seo will suffer.
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