How to get the position correctly?


New Member
As first of all. I'm quite new in the design and devolpement of webpages as I started since last June.
This is mine second layout.

Now there is this issue I encounter that I want to get it solved.

I want the links to be at the menu picture and just by using padding won't solve the problem cause of the image resizing, neither will the margin.

Anyway, here is the download link of the files.

I hope some'one can aid me in mine quest so I can put mine new layout online.

Edit; I treid to get it right so you might thinnk of what's that code doing there but just to let you know.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Broken link....and I am not clear as to what your asking? Something about aligning a menu? Do you have a page partially built that we can look at?


New Member
Broken link....and I am not clear as to what your asking? Something about aligning a menu? Do you have a page partially built that we can look at?

Chek post date, it's old and I already removed the file from mine server.
Anyway you can chek out mine site.
Did made some changed on the layout however as you will notice in mine html and css file I got a ContentText container for the Content area so it would be on a perfect spot.

Now what I wonder, is there another way to get the text on that spot of the page?, so that I don't need to use ContentText as container.


New Member
Now what I wonder, is there another way to get the text on that spot of the page?, so that I don't need to use ContentText as container.

You can use padding on it's parent element to adjust the position. But it's only one div tag...


Super Moderator
Staff member
Chek post date, it's old and I already removed the file from mine server.
Anyway you can chek out mine site...

Now what I wonder, is there another way to get the text on that spot of the page?, so that I don't need to use ContentText as container.

Post is not "old" and yes I will check your site.

I wouldn't call one day between posting and reply, old, but that's just me.


You can use padding on it's parent element to adjust the position. But it's only one div tag...

And again agree. Add padding to the "content" div.

Also, use paragraph tags for text blocks, that's their intended purpose.

Truthfully you are not gaining anything though. If you move the padding styles to the parent element, you will still need a child element to hold each text block, whether it's a paragraph, heading, etc. Really just a matter of preference. My vote, add it to the parent


New Member
Yes offcourse I can try the padding but then it will resize the picture which means I´ll need to fight mine way to the correct sizes of the picture.

Is there a way then to stop the resizing of the padding?


New Member
Can you explain more?

Hi, I can solve your problem right away. I'm just wondering what is your problem in that page.

1. Center the menu?
2. Make the menu text and still large links?
3. The menu is not issue, the page is.

Let me know and i will give you the answer right away.

SMooVo- Web Design
[email protected]


New Member
As first, sorry if I sounded so rude cause it looks like I was kinda rude on mine previous posts.
Probally the stress.

Anyway I have read an article about the padding and from w3c point of view.

I have put in the padding codes and decreased the size of the image regarding the amount of the paddings and removed mine text containers.

I´m now making great progress with mine website.
Mine first few media contents will be online tomorow.

Though already finished them but I add the link it self tomorow for visitors to see.:)